Rashaun R. Williams

Rashaun convened Way of Warriors in 2024. He has studied, trained, and practiced in various movement and martial arts since 2002.
Also known as DJ Reezey, Rashaun began his professional career in movement arts and humanities in 2009. In 2011, he directed career education and entrepreneurship internships until graduating high school in 2012. In 2013 was awarded the Black Male Engagement Award by the Knight Foundation for his work on environmental justice and youth development. He built a social entrepreneurship bootcamps, supported social enterprises and nonprofits startup and scale, and in 2015 was awarded the President’s Volunteer Service Award by The Corporation for National and Community Service and The White House for the culmination of his altruism across the country.
Since then, Rashaun has been working as a public school educator, an after school program and summer camp director, and political organizer for the human rights of Black Americans in Philadelphia.
Today, Rashaun studies Sekou Chinyelu and instructs Way of Warriors. His praxis incorporates his years of practice and study of nutrition, kinesthetics, breathwork and meditation, yoga, parkour, track and field, movement arts, self-defense and martial arts including Kickboxing, Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Close-Quarter-Combat, Ginga, and Sekou Chinyelu.